Add Business Listing



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1Select your payment plan
  • Eatery - Monthly Membership


    Single Submission

     30 days

    1 Month


    This price package will offer free trial period or plan to bill the first installment of a recurring payment only for PayPal payment gateway.

    Your monthly membership includes your business listing which displays all of your contact info, social media and website links, your business logo, 3 images, a live map, available services and tagline on your details page, as well as visitor statistics and reviews. Members can also post events at no charge using a coupon code after 3rd month of membership.
  • Eatery - Annual Membership


    Single Submission

     365 days

    1 Year


    Your annual membership includes your business listing which displays all of your contact info, social media and website links, your business logo, 3 images, a live map, available services and tagline on your details page, as well as visitor statistics and reviews. Members can update, change, or add information to their business listing any time. Annual members can also post events at no charge using a coupon code.
2Enter Details
Select a category for your listing
3Login / Register